Studio Lighting Cheat Sheet
In classical portraiture there are several things you need to control and think about to make a flattering portrait of your subjects, including: lighting ratio, lighting pattern, facial view, and angle of view. We’re going to look at lighting pattern: what is it, why it’s important, and how to use it.
Lighting pattern I’d define as, how light and shadow play across the face to create different shapes. What shape is the shadow on the face, in simple terms. There are four common portrait lighting patterns, they are:
Lighting pattern I’d define as, how light and shadow play across the face to create different shapes. What shape is the shadow on the face, in simple terms. There are four common portrait lighting patterns, they are:
- Split lighting
- Loop lighting
- Rembrandt lighting
- Butterfly lighting
lighting.pdf |
Your Task
Is to research the 4 classic lighting techniques & the 2 lighting styles stated above on the internet. With the information you find create a word doc that includes:
You may submit your final copy to the assignments drop box for review.
- A heading of the light pattern
- A definition of the lighting pattern - what is it?
- How would you set up the light to achieve the desired pattern?
- Show an example of the light in relationship to the model (image)
- A good visual example of the desired effect on a model (image)
You may submit your final copy to the assignments drop box for review.
Types of Light
types_of_light.pdf |